Nothing much

It’s Monday and there is nothing much to say.  I was supposed to go recycle today, but I didn’t leave the house.  Well, I did bring the trash can in.  Guess what? The neighbors took theirs in too! it’s only been out there since last week.  They had to mow so while they were doing that, they moved it to their backyard. YAY!  I need to mow my front lawn soon. It isn’t too bad right now, but it will have to be done in a day or so.

I set up my May habit tracker in my bullet journal and got my weeklies for May done. I won’t have to go back and do that later.  My friend and I are goign to the beach in May. Right now the dates are up in the air. He booked the wrong week. I don’t mind going either week so we’ll see how that plays out.  Heck, I wish we could go for two weeks! 😛 That isn’t going to happen, but I can dream. I just need to know ahead of time so I can stop my mail for that week. Of course, I will be posting from there as always.  Sharing plenty of pretty beach pictures. 🙂

Hello February!

Today was the first day of February in this new year of 2021.  I did my usual thing. I went to Starbucks! The line was pretty crazy, but I got my drink  I think I could have gone in, but I wasn’t sure so I just hit the drive-thru.  I got my drink (the blond almond milk honey flat white). It is pretty good. I think I really like it.  I got that and went to do some Zeeops in Munzee since I didn’t leave the house yesterday.  I got my daily Zeeops and then headed home.  I stayed in the rest of the day.

I got a nice bit of writing done just before I came here to post.  I stayed up too late last night and did not want to get up today, so I’m going to try to go to bed at a reasonable hour. If I actually do is up in the air! :p I’d like to as I was so tired this morning.  I don’t know if I mentioned this, but when I was setting up this year’s bullet journal, I added a two-page spread to the end of the month for ‘memories’.  This one had some things I downloaded and printed off the internet.   I had a Biden / Harris ‘sticker’ for the inauguration.  I also had the picture of Bernie and his mittens because that was so funny and it was such fun seeing all the places people put him after President Biden’s inauguration.  I also cut out a few other things to paste in including some coffee things and I cut the little ‘fry man’ from a package of Pete’s Burgers and More fries.  They don’t have branding on their stuff, but the small fry bag has a little potato man surrounded by fries.  We ate FIVE times at Pete’s in January so I added him! :p  I think I’m going to like the memories page. It will be fun to add things to it.

As for now, I’m going to post this, and then I’m going to relax for a bit before bed.  I want to re-read what I wrote and see all the things I need to change! LOL! 


Hello 2021!

Here we are in a brand new year.  Who knew that 2020 could drag on for so long?  Here is hoping that 2021 is much better.  I started the month and the year off right.  How? I went to Starbucks of course! :p  That was nice.  I put another spread in my 2021 bullet journal!  I did a 21 in 2021.  I did a 20 in 2020. Sadly, I only got sixteen of those done. I’m hoping to do all 21 this year!

I took down my Yule tree earlier this evening.  I got all five strands of blue lights off easily.  I went to string them to store them for next year and 2 & 1/2 of them aren’t working now. ~_~; WTF?  I had put them in five different piles to keep them from tangling.  I don’t know how they stopped working so quickly. I checked on the Target website to see if there were any blue lights in stock at Target and they are all gone.  Boo!  I will have to wait to replace them next year.  Phooey!

Here is my Starbucks cup. I finally got the last of the four cups for the season. 🙂


Goodbye 2020!

I crashed early and hard last night and I needed it.  I was thinking about things before bed and realized that I had stopped setting up my 2021 bullet journal some time back. D’oh!!!!!!  Today, I looked and the things I would use immediately are there.  I still need to add a “21 in 2021” tracker, my NaNoWriMo tracker(s), beach bingo, and some other things I wanted to add. I went ahead and got the first two months done, though!  I have my January habit tracker,  February habit tracker, and I have the weeklies for those months.  I’m adding something new this year.  On the page after the last week of the month, I’m doing a monthly recap page to add anything I want to remember. I can write stuff or glue in things for memories.  I think it will be a nice addition.  I decided to go with a printed habit tracker to save time this year. I found the one I had downloaded several years ago and looked it over.  It didn’t have enough lines for all the things I track, so I made a copy of it and then cut part of the bottom off and taped it to the tracker.  This way I added a few lines. Then, I made a copy of that. I went ahead and printed out a year’s worth of them and I have the taped one I made to use if I want to make more, or I can just use a blank one I printed. I printed an extra just in case.  I always loved this habit tracker and I really wanted to use it but I track more things than I did when I started.  This way, I can still use this cute tracker and track more. This is going to save me SO much time going forward!

I started my actual pages further into the Leuchtturm too.  I hope to use up all my pages this time!  I always have some pages left. I don’t want to have that this time.  I’m sorry I didn’t post the last two days. I just got to doing things and never got around to it.  I’m going to try my best to post to my blog every day in 2021!  I don’t know if I can do it, but I’m going to try my best. I also plan to get my pen pal letters written and stay caught up with them.  Yes, I STILL haven’t written any.  2020 has just not been the best year.  Yes, some good things have happened to me, my friend got me Goontz and my 15″ MacBook Pro, but the rest of the year was pretty nasty.  My hope is that 2021 is a wonderful year.  Let’s hope that we are able to defeat Covid-19 and try to get our lives back to normal!


So, I love The Monkees and have for a long time.  I thought about looking for old episodes on YouTube recently and was happy to find some! I’ve been watching them for the past few days and it’s been fun.  They were so funny.  Mike was and still is my favorite followed closely by Micky!  I love them all, but Mike has always done it for me. :p

In between episodes and other things, I got several more trackers done in my 2021 bullet journal! Yay!  I did four more.  That doesn’t sound like a lot, but having to draw all those lines, it IS a lot.  I will try to do four or more pages tomorrow.  I have a list of things I want to put in there.  I am going to add a few things this year.  I think I’m going to add a tracker for all my Fossil bags and I’d like to keep a record of all my Starbucks tumblers.  I would do the cards I have collected, but that would take a lot of pages. I still may do it, but I don’t know yet.

2021 Bujo started

I have been putting off starting my 2021 Bujo and today, I finally opened it and started.  I decided it would be an easier task if I did a few trackers at a time and didn’t try to do everything immediately.  I got the index started, the Key page, the welcome 2021 page, and a few trackers.  I will work on it like this.  Do a few tracker pages a day and before you know it, I’ll have it ready to go on January 1st!  I have a list of ideas for things I want to go in it. I’ll have the things I had this year, plus I’d like to add a few more things.  I’m hoping it is going to turn out nicely.  I am glad I decided on the idea of doing a little at a time.  That way the task won’t seem so daunting! The biggest thing that takes time is drawing lines. Those take a steady hand and patience.  I’m not big on either! LOL!


I actually wrote a little tonight. Go me!  I didn't leave the house today at all. You think I could have spent some of the time writing, right?  Nope! I also got out my bujo for 2021 to start setting it up. It's still untouched. ^^; Maybe tomorrow.  I did get some laundry washed and then forgot about it. It's finally in the dryer now. It's been a long day and I just want to go to bed! lol

Hello from Sunday!

I finished my book today! I need to go back over the last few day's work and check it out.  I may need to add a few more things in, but it's pretty well done. I am almost at 55,000 words!  I might just write a few more and make it 55,000.  That would be neat. I am sure I have 800 more words I can add to it.  

I got my usual Sunday stuff done today, bed linen washed, hair washed, etc.  I also washed a bunch of dishes and put away a load of laundry that was in the dryer from yesterday.  I meant to put them away last night but I was so tired last night I didn't even think about it.  I want to write on my story that I've had on semi-hold since the beginning of NaNo.  I also need to create the December habit tracker and the week's speak for the first week of December.  I will either do that tonight or tomorrow.  It's in my bujo to do today, but I might wait and do it tomorrow.  It depends on if I get on a roll while writing or not.


Should be interesting…

I just saw where the local schools are closed tomorrow because of a tropical storm warning.  The hurricane that hit in Louisiana is heading our way and the weather is supposed to be bad tomorrow so they canceled school. We'll probably get a little rain, one bout of wind, and it will all go back to normal! I'm not too worried about it.  I have no plans to go out, so that won't be an issue.

I did go out today to vote.  I have never voted early before this election, so that was new.  It was easy and pretty quick too.  I was thinking that the polls would be swamped on Election day, so I went ahead and voted early.  I didn't get my sticker (D'oh) but I got to keep the pen I voted with. I guess it works out in the end.  Plus, I printed myself a sticker to put in my bujo. lol It looks like this:


With my doubts last night about this year's NaNo story, I wrote myself some notes today for it.  I have plenty of stuff to make it work.  I am definitely going to go with it.  I don't have time to start over from scratch on anything else!  


Another Leuchtturm 1917? Yes!

I have my notebook for my 2021 bullet journal and it's a Leuchtturm1917!  This is my fourth one.  It's yellow and it's so pretty.  I will probably add a decal or sticker to the front at some point.  This years I had already planned the decal for it.  It was a Myrtle Beach one that matched the cover.  I will look to see if I can find a cute decal when we go to the beach next month. If not, I'll use a sticker.  I got a little packet of Adventure Time stickers in the mail yesterday.  They came in with the order where I ordered the Leuchtturm.  I also ordered a few more things that arrived yesterday.  The last item in that order was supposed to come today, but it didn't.  Hopefully, it will come tomorrow.  It's a passport size TN. ^^: Yes, I know I don't need any more TNs! ;p

An eBay item that I ordered last week came today, too.  My Note has all four of the Nissan hubcaps on it, but the front driver side one had broken pieces and it's cracked in places. I was able to find one on eBay and ordered it. It finally came today.  I was able to put it on after some fun of trying to get it on. LOL, The old one was easy to get off, the new one took me a bit but it's on.  Now my wheels all look good.  

The next thing I want to get for the Note is the cargo cover.  I don't know why they don't have that included when you buy the car. I've seen other people mention this, so I don't think this one is just missing one from a previous owner.  The cargo cover (Nissan branded) is a bit over $100 so I am going to keep looking. I'm hoping to find one for a much, much lower price!

Here is the newest Leuchtturm.  I can't wait to set it up and hope that 2021 is much better than this crazy year!
