NaNoWriMo Prep

I think I have decided on my story for this year’s NaNoWriMo. It’s a story I started a long time ago and didn’t go anywhere with. I am going to revamp it and start over. The basic premise is good and I can definitely work with it. I just need to do a bit of research, not a lot. These are characters I’ve used over and over in my own personal stories.  This is a totally new direction for them. I think it will be pretty fun to do. I’m actually pretty anxious to get started. It’s going to be a fun one to write. 

I already have it ready to go in Scrivener. I have all the old footage to review before I start anew. I also have ideas and things in there. I love Scrivener and couldn’t imagine writing without it now. It’s so great to have everything right there.  It’s just the best!


Sort of a boring day. I did write more than I did yesterday, so that was good! I wrote yesterday and got to a certain point. I added an entire scene that I decided against and scrapped that part. I DID save the text in a note in Scrivener. I might go with that later, I haven’t decided yet. It may be put in but a lot different and I wasn’t ready to write that part yet, so to the side, it went. That, of course, made yesterday’s writing count go down. I didn’t write a ton more today, but I did write more and that is what counts. 🙂 I sort of want to add in that drama from yesterday (revamped) but we’ll see!

I’ve hit the 40,000 word mark!

Whee!  I did that today.  I had an event in my story. It is going to lead to a secondary event that I’ll start tomorrow!  It went well, but I think I need to go back and add more details when I edit later.  It’s going to be interesting with the next part, I think.  My people are in a compound after the Z Event. This is what the zombie apocalypse is called in my series.  Their compound was attacked by hostile survivors who wanted to invade. The invaders were attacked by zoms (what they are called in the books) and now the compound is surrounded by zoms. This means until they wander off, there is no leaving for supplies.  I have to get them through this and see what is next for them!  I’m not even sure.

One of the characters I introduced this time was going to be an older misogynist dude and it turned out it was a kid trying to act like an adult because he was alone and scared. I didn’t see that coming and I”m writing this! lol, I need to work up a full character profile of him and the other new character I added.  I have their names and ages and a bit of background for the second one, but I need to flesh them out.  I have a character template that I got via Evernote that I use in Scrivener for my characters. It’s easy to have a backup of them in my Scrivener binder and my Evernote. As I learned last November, ALWAYS BACK UP YOUR WORK. Thanks again Evernote! If it were for them, I’d have lost my first few days of writing last year and not been able to carry on until I could get my computer back to life!

NaNoWriMo Day one is a go!

This is my area before I started writing earlier:


As you can see, I went to Starbucks! 😛 I got a venti flat white and a chocolate chip cookie for inspiration.  I have written my first 1750 words and it feel great! A good start to this year’s NaNoWriMo! Yes, it’s all backed up in Evernote!


Well, the snow didn’t last long.  We got rain and some sleet too.  It was pretty much a bust.  Oh well.  Maybe we will get one nice snow this year.  I didn’t go out today just in case the roads were icy.  I got all my usual Sunday stuff done.  I got a good deal of writing done too! 🙂  I was happy with that and I can’t wait to re-read it.  I am sure I’ll add a few things to it and edit it some tomorrow.  I love writing in Scrivener and being able to edit as I need. It’s so much easier than writing in a basic word program!  I also want to give props to Evernote for always being there to back up my work!


It was very cold today.  There is still some snow in places hanging on.  The forecast now is for more possible snow and ice this weekend. I am not sure if it will, but it’s certainly going to be something if it does. It’s so blasted cold!  I’m glad my friend gave me a better heater for my room a few weeks ago or I’d be freezing to death in my own house! lol

Speaking of my house… Last night, I was in the bathroom that is next to my bedroom and I heard something.  Every so often, I’ll hear animals under my house and they come near the tub and I can hear them in the bathroom. I knew immediately what it was, so I went on about my business.  Well, later on, I kept hearing this weird noise.  It was a sort of chirring/chittering/ churring sound.  I figured it was the animal. Since the bathtub in the bathroom next to my room is so close to my bed on the other side of the wall, it had to be that. It was SO LOUD at one point I could swear whatever it was was actually in my room. It trilled and made noises and then, it SCREAMED and I mean screamed.  After that, I heard nothing. @_@; I don’t know if something killed him, or he ran away somewhere else. I haven’t heard anything at all today. It was pretty damn creepy. I looked up various animals (sounds on YouTube) and I THINK it was a possum, but I am still not sure.  I was going to get a recording when it was doing the weird churring sounds and then it started screaming.  This was right after midnight too, so…  yeah, that was fun. :p

I wrote yesterday and today and I opened a Scrivener file for the other story idea I have. I’m not ready to work on it yet, but I’m going to have it to use to put my ideas in.  I have some already in Evernote so I’ll have them both places.  I keep coming up with stuff for it,  so I figured I’d go ahead and get the Scrivener file started so I could put ideas and research in there as I go.  I think it’s going to be good, but I’m too invested in the current one. I have enjoyed it so much! 

By the way, here is the weather from the app on my MacBook Pro:

Screen Shot 2021-01-29 at 11.17.32 PM

Looks fun, no? :p

Big Sur? I wish!

So, I cannot upgrade to Big Sur on any of my Macbooks.  I'm sort of sad because I know in a few years, some apps won't work. I'm hoping that the ones I use the most will still be able to run on Catalina.  If I can continue to use Evernote, Scrivener, and Chrome, I'll be okay.  I would love to try out Big Sur though. I have heard that some people HAVE put it on a mid-2012 MBP so I know it can be done, but Apple is not giving me the option through the App store.  Oh well!

It's been a pretty boring day. I didn't even leave the house.  I did get my daily journal set up for 2021.  I used to buy a dated planner each year.  I got a couple of undated ones free a few years back.  I dated and have used one this year. I thought about buying a dated one for 2021 and saving the other un-dated one for 2022. I looked at planners and I couldn't find one I absolutely loved.  I found several I liked in some ways and didn't like in others.  I just said phooey on it and dated this one today!  It's ready to go.  I haven't even started setting up my bullet journal for 2021.  I really need to do that.  I have the new Leuchtturm for that already, I just need to start setting it up.


It actually snowed here today for a little bit.  It was mainly snow flurries, but it was pretty.  I enjoyed watching it for the short time it happened.  I hope we actually get a decent snow event this year.  We probably won't, but it would be nice!  I had to run an errand today and it was pretty darn chilly out there. I found out that the heater on my car works great!  I had never really had to use it before. The air worked well all summer, so I was hoping the heat would too and it does. Yay! One bright spot in my dreary life. 

I got a little writing done today but it was sort of meh. I want to try to work on it some more before bedtime so after posting this, I'll go and do that.  I want to get to the exciting part! I could write it ahead of time since I'm working in Scrivener, but I'm trying to write in order.  We'll see how well that goes. :p

Writing done!

Well for today it is.  I got my NaNo work done and a little on my other work.  I was glad to get them both done. I am getting there on my NaNo work and I'm still loving my other story.  I will definitely continue it after I finish NaNo.  There is another old story that I pulled out not too long ago and I think I might just work on it too after NaNo and I've completed the one I am doing. I had actually done a little on it in Scrivener and I realized that it was the one work I didn't get back. I hadn't done a lot on it so it's not too bad, but I would like to re-read what I had done. Oh well.  The old drive will let me load it on the case when I plug it in externally, but the part of the drive that the stuff is on that I can't get it not working. It's there but it's acting like it's not there.  I still don't know what to do about that, but I'm not going to delete anything just in case I might be able to get that portion back.  I wish there was some magic fix!

On track!

My NaNoWriMo writing is on track. I'm getting in on the average right at 2000 words a day. Today I hit 20,710 words! It's going pretty well.  I just hope I have the other 29,000 words! :p

It's been a long day and I'm extremely tired.  I didn't get a lot of sleep last night and I'm totally dragging today.  Hopefully, I'll sleep well tonight.  I need it.  

My hard drive won't mount at all now so I might have lost my files.  I'm so glad I was able to get the Scrivener files last night!  I also set all my backups for Scrivener to go directly to Dropbox so I will never have to worry about losing anything again.  I can't do this again. I still hope that the drive will mount again but I am not holding my breath!