Saying goodbye…

Tonight I went to my local Kmart to pick up my prescriptions for the last time.  The pharmacy is closing on the 14th of this month.  I'm not happy about that. The store is closing after the beginning of the year.  The pharmacy is going to be closed a lot sooner.  I will miss them.  The people at this location were all really nice.  I liked going there.  I will have to get used to another pharmacy and I don't really want to have to do that.  They are sending all their files over to the CVS that is near them.  I asked them to send mine to the CVS that is closer to my house. It's an easy walk to get there, so even if I'm having car issues, I can go and pick up my prescriptions.  

After leaving Kmart, I was going to Starbucks but then I just ended up coming home.  I might go later this week.  I'm sort of waiting for a double star day.  I might get that tumbler if they still have it, but I want to wait until they are doing the double star day!  That will give a me a lot of stars. ^_^

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